Student Support (Ci3T)


Ci3T stands for Comprehensive Integrated 3-Tiered System (models of prevention). It is the goal of Kalihi Kai to provide equity and access for all students. The school believes that every child deserves an engaging, relevant, and rigorous education, and aims to meet the needs of its diverse population. In an effort to meet this goal, Kalihi Kai has adopted a comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (Ci3T) model of prevention (Lane, Oakes, & Menzies, 2010). This Ci3T model is designed to address our students’ academic, behavioral, and social needs using a continuum of supports, including a proactive approach for addressing students’ needs in all three areas. We have established systematic screening practices and a continuum of supports, ranging from universal, broad-based strategies to targeted and individualized interventions. The three-tiered model provides for: primary prevention (Tier 1 supports for all), secondary prevention (Tier 2 supports for some), and tertiary interventions and supports (Tier 3 supports for a few). The goal is to create a safe, positive learning environment including the accurate detection of students who need additional support beyond primary (Tier 1) prevention efforts and then providing these students with additional secondary (Tier 2) and tertiary (Tier 3) evidence-based supports.


Our RTI system is a part of our Ci3T framework. It is a proactive multi-tiered approach in which we identify our students' academic and behavioral needs early and provide targeted interventions on specific skills. We currently provide interventions for reading, behavior, and SEL. We are soon launching RTI-A (Academics) for math! All teachers and support staff are involved in this RTI process. Comparative school-wide data over the last seven years has shown a significant positive effect on student growth and achievement.