Learning Experiences
Leader in Me seeks to: Create a culture of trust and engagement. Empower students to lead their own lives, and make a difference with others. Provide students tools to better achieve goals.
Kalihi Kai became a Leader in Me school in 2017, The Leader in ME is a school-wide improvement model that promotes leadership and student empowerment. This social-emotional learning program provides students with the life skills necessary to positively impact their school and community. All staff is trained in the 7 Habits and teach students to think critically, solve problems and make strong decisions. The habits are aligned to the GLOs and HA initiatives. Our annual Leadership Day showcases student-let projects, performances, and leadership opportunities. Families are trained in the 7 habits to build a foundation and common language between school and home. Leader in Me Unites students, staff, and families around a common goal to prepare students with college, career, and life-readiness skills.
More information to come
Kalihi Kai Elementary has been an arts integration school since SY 2014-2015. The Kennedy Center's definition of arts integration is "Arts Integration is an APPROACH to TEACHING in which students construct and demonstrate UNDERSTANDING through an ART FORM. Students engage in a CREATIVE PROCESS which CONNECTS an art form and another subject area and meets EVOLVING OBJECTIVES in both."
Our teachers integrate drama, visual arts, creative movement, music, and puppetry into their classroom instruction in order to provide multisensory and engaging learning experiences for our students. The arts provide a platform for student voice, creative expression, and cooperative learning.
IRA stands for Instructional Resource Augmentation. All students rotate through Music, Physical Education, Guidance, Library, and Fine Arts. The IRA teachers provide unique experiences which include but are not limited to: learning to play a recorder and ukulele, to code and robotics, everyday problem solving through Leader In Me lessons, and library book rental to encourage students to become lifelong learners.
Check out the welcome videos from the IRA teachers and IRA schedule and class resources on the IRA Dashboard .
The purpose of our EL program is to enhance support to the different ethnic groups, giving students meaningful access to rigorous instruction in the effective use of the English language.
Our friendly EL team not only leads to support students to succeed but also serves as a communicator between home and school and helps families. For example, the team provides a New Comer Parent Workshop quarterly to support the new community members transition.
If you are interested in learning more about the EL Program, please contact Joy Sahagun, EL Coordinator at 832-3322.